
A Fifth Dimension

Takes you on a journey into a dimension of deep imagination & description polished by a scientific touch !


With his second publication of multiple poetic writings gathered in ” A Fifth Dimension “, Elias takes you once again on a journey in which you cannot but wonder if you will ever reach its boundaries.

Sharpening the tip of imagination, in the first chapter, you will take off to the edge of space itself. From a speechless description of dignity to a bright star in the cosmos, your eyes will reach the border of hell. Stuck in this virtual dimension with curiosity under your skin, you find yourself fighting to control your desire and finally realize that your destination is unreachable and you are a simple drawing of an architect.

Landing within boundaries of our beloved earth, in the second and third chapter, you find yourself again under influence of human connection. Running in your veins, your blood will be in contact with mistakes, feelings, pleasures and eventually truth.

Finally, reaching the finish line, in the last chapter, you will discover your own opinion, friendships and family.

We hope you enjoy this trip of discovery while warping space-time following Elias’s steps.


We want to thank every person who supported Elias and helped him rediscover his writing skills . Many thanks to all his friends, family and sponsors especially :

Krystel Saneh
(Illustrator and Comic artist)


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

For permission requests, please use our contact form .

A Virtual Dimension

Flying towards constellations during my sleep
I encounter a bright light coming from far deep
Following its trails, I enter a path way too steep
Then I feel a gravity field from which I can’t creep

That attraction just pulls me to a magical place
Projecting the image of a star in the open space
Suddenly the surrounding balance breaks away
Giving birth to a dimension in which I am inlay

Studying its properties, I watch myself transform
Losing my steel composition to something warm
My mighty algorithms gets adapted to a new norm
Throwing behind them my robotic parts into a storm

Gathering that energy, I regain the ability to fly away
Only to get stuck again in an atmosphere colored gray
Orbiting a planet reflecting a replica of my portray
Snapping my consciousness the fuck out of this overlay

The overlay imposed by your eyes reflecting the light
Straight into my inner soul powerless to this fight
Putting me into a state of mind reigned by a delight
Cause everything around me is simply shining so bright

This is the story of my journey into your lovely eyes
Shifting my reality to the depth of our skies
Calling my humanity to a shape of bigger size
And burning on its way the identity of my disguise

Speechless Description

I’ve always been known to be a half man
Couldn’t be impressed, but now i can
You succeeded to wake up something dead
Deep inside my soul like it never had

You are so beautiful to a point i can’t explain
Looking far away is something i fail to maintain
There is a staggering field orbiting around you
Striping away the mighty powers of my brain

I am simply stunned, lost inside your maze
How can i survive your portray without a gaze
Those eyes of yours simply speak to my heart
And every piece of you is just built to amaze

I didn’t even mention your golden hair
Reflecting a magical spell right through the air
I’ve never seen something as perfect as this
You look awesome no matter when i stare

I feel speechless every time you are near
But everything pointing to you is very clear
You are mesmerizing, there is no doubt here
However describing you is very hard my dear

An Architect From The Cosmos

Photons travelling at the speed of light
Head towards me, distorting my sight
Their only goal is to penetrate my brain
And project your beauty from left to right

Succeeding with their mission, i fly away
And into the pixels of your beauty i sway
Their density is something beyond real
Like a stunning sunset at the end of the day

Wandering around i enter some dimension
Too complex to the edge of comprehension
This is simply astonishing in every word
I am speechless again, filled with tension

Dam it, what is the secret you hide so dear
My voice loses the ability to reach your ear
I try to express myself but its total silence
Everything is not enough, but one thing is clear

No description is sufficient to your perfection
It’s like the universe gathered all his attention
Into creating a creature as incredible as you
It’s amazing to a point you need no correction

A Star Indeed

Looking to the sky at the edge of my bed
I imagine a magical state affecting my head
It’s that unbelievable power you just impose
Waking up every part of me from the dead

My memories fly at the speed of light
Searching for your charm spreading delight
They simply aim to catch a glimpse of you
Enlightening the total darkness of my night

Slightly reaching this ultimate speed
Everything slows down and I enjoy the feed
The feed of a sensational reflection of you
Refracted on a surface, it’s a star indeed

Time passes by, relatively the night as well
I wake up from my dream directly to hell
My brain realizes it was a simple fiction
Inspired by the sweetness of your hypnotizing spell

The spell I encounter whenever you re near
And every time your memories just appear
In the cloudy atmosphere of my bright skies
Cause I am failing to make them disappear

Accurate Spears

You drive my heart beat by beat
Simulating a pulse admitting defeat
My feelings become too hard to stand
Forcing my pride to take a seat

A look from you, i am electrified
Signals from my brain are unjustified
All my behavior is out of control
And my deep composition is rectified

The sound of your voice distort my ears
Hunting my balance with accurate spears
A trembling wave creeps down my spine
It controls my reality to change its gears

Your simple existence enlighten the dark
Brings with it light to my inner spark
This may be surreal, words are silenced
My pen can’t find the right place to park

I am not sure of your effect if we ever touch
This is a mystery for me, i don’t know much
I simply can’t even imagine the real event
I will just put my pen down, away on my couch


Border To Hell

A brainquake shook the composition of my head
Looking for something human, alive and not dead
But it took quite some time to clear all the ashes
Everything left behind was desire completely shred

During all this time, silence was in order
I didn’t even try to look beyond my shoulder
But seeing you day after day is turning me crazy
You force me like hell to cross the border

Don’t worry, i am aware of the situation here
The voice of my mind is the only thing you ll hear
There is no point for words coming from the heart
Cause i ll avoid your radius tagged with fear

I should probably wake up, stop writing to you
Your inspiration is great, but it hurts like a screw
There is already someone impressing you with words
Mine are only ink on paper covered with glue

Maybe one day you will know me well
Say some words only friendship can spell
Cause your presence is something precious to me
Keeping my mental balance away from hell


Dignified Drawing

Hiding behind the armor of your state
My brain and heart drown in a debate
These counter forces create an atmosphere
In which finding myself will have to wait

To glimpse you every day is simply torture
It puts my mind easily off its posture
My senses momentarily just go away
And my soul becomes impossible to capture

Even with these words I fail to be satisfied
My hopeless situation cannot be classified
I’m trying so hard to keep myself apart
Cause everything about you is so dignified

I cannot find a point to which I can hold
This chapter of yours I should probably fold
But I am still eager to keep our mutual respect
While expressing reality with letters in bold

Your existence warps my dimension with style
I’ve never felt something like that for a while
It drives me crazy every time I get very near
And my identity runs away looking for exile

Controlled Desire

Entering my space you create a potential
Disrupting my abilities to be differential
I try so hard to keep my attention away
Stick to my rules and everything essential

I look into your eyes and I feel that pull
Taking my balance apart in a full
But running away is not option
You’re holding the red wig and I’m the bull

Standing here I am filled with that desire
Your voice heat up my brain burning like fire
Its frequency is so lovely to a point I admire
But still i try to stay cold and cut the wire

The wire attaching me to your power source
Pulling me outside my shield with a force
Now I’m in contact with effect you enforce
So I just try to escape, I’m in need of a horse

However escaping will reach a dead end
My sexy rules will eventually start to bend
I have to control myself and not pretend
That I am okay cause you really force my hand

Under My Skin

Its mysterious the way you exist in my world
You are impossible to grasp, it’s what I heard
There is no bridge heading your direction
And I am still hopeless, hunted like a bird

Every time you push me so hard to the edge
You plant me in a chaotic order like a hedge
I’m then stuck between desire and respect
And my impressions are just lying on a ledge

This unbalanced state you put me in
Drove me to a point I lost where to begin
I am living a war between a beat and a spark
Changing the composition under my skin

Hosting this war I am still trying to coexist
Ticking away efficiently notes on my list
The ones restoring my initial state
Cause I have no choice but to resist

I hope your reflections stay away for while
The road of my escape stretches for a million mile
It consists of layers of unknown stages
Taking my infected soul into quarantine

Unreachable Conclusion

You project exaltation in every dimension
Spreading rapture with indefinite extension
It’s no wonder you affect me always this way
Taking my soul into a continuous ascension

You are simply sublime in every fuckin word
Making me speechless, silent like a bird
I’m trying to arrange my inner thoughts, but damn
Your voice is the most beautiful thing I’ve heard

It’s a mysterious secret when it comes to you
It leaves my imagination having no clue
I’ve had many encounters before, believe me
But not all as inspiring, only a few

I can but admit, you are driving me crazy
I’ve never felt my brain seriously that hazy
I really want to keep our common grounds
But the road to that balance is extremely mazy

I am still not sure this is the way to go
You are so lovely and only respect ill show
We may have crossed path in the wrong time
But this may be positive, we never know

An Eastern European Breath

Behind the softness and innocence in your eyes
A lovely jewel shinning of beauty in there lies
Its light creates a magnet attracting counter poles
And into my brain it surely dug plenty of holes

Listening to your voice is simply a vacation to my ears
And that warm feel to it puts my eyes into happy tears
Reflecting a mesmerizing image of your sweet smile
Hypnotizing every soul in its sight for a million mile

And here I am hopeless trying to raise my shield
While every element around, against your charm asks to yield
Damn, I can’t even decrypt the secret behind that field
I am too distracted, trying to run away from your wield

Failing to do it, I detect some sparkles in my brain
As electrifying as the ones accompanied by rain
Suddenly the chemical composition up there changes again
Transforming my happiness to satisfaction that I can’t explain

This may be surreal, but I can feel your presence in my network
Messing around with my neurons, completing your artwork
Take your time, do your magic and code it as you wish
I am just curious which final version should I distinguish

A Differential Depth

When I look into your eyes my brain is stun
I am stuck in a loop, there is no way to run
I initiate some functions looking for a path
But their incredible beauty also ruined my math

I simply refuse to surrender and shut down
And into solving the equations I get drown
The equations explaining your gravity field
And Uncovering the mystery under your bield

Every time I am closer you seem to get away
Like looking for more time at the end of the day
However I will try harder just to make you stay
To discover the script behind your every play

The thing is !

I am not someone who stays in the dark
But a being always looking for a spark
I am not interested in a blind approach
Unless I am sure there is a place to park

And the problem here !

I still can’t detect what you really want
Every time you re near I am in this hunt
I simply hope that all of it will be clear
Soon enough before my desire disappear

A Disrupted Truth

One thing is clear, I need to fall back
Re calibrate and avoid another hack
There is something that I learnt already
Never drop my reality and keep steady

I find it so hard to get on this train
I’d prefer to walk alone under the rain
My inner composition can’t merge at all
It is hard as the concrete put in a wall

I don’t want to love you, I just wanna care
You make me feel cold like a breath of air
It is cold holding a mystery to my heart
Shutting my brain down with a pointy dart

Your venomous feed circulates my veins
Acting as medication to all my pains
Yes this is not the first time I get to feel
I just don’t want you to break my wheel

Try to know me better before you go away
Consider me a game that you wish to play
Accomplish its campaign and rate it then
Distinguish me finally among all these men

Disrupted Functionality

There is something that I can’t explain
Maybe it’s fast like going on a train
A parallel existence in which enters my brain
And that feeling of happiness far away from pain

That moment we meet, I find my escape
Taking me to a universe of different shape
Curious to discover I leave on a journey
Extraordinary to the point I want to tape

The words we exchange just make me think
Is this gonna last? I don’t want it to shrink!
I simply enjoy just hearing your voice
Travelling my ears forcing my focus to sink

Loosing that focus I come closer to reality
With which I lost contact like spirituality
Its a reality exposing my human actuality
Suppressing the powers of my true functionality

A functionality I relied on these last years
Making me a ghost, immune to my peers
However sometimes it’s good to have tears
Watering a piece of you locked to its fears

Mistaken Again

Two weeks ago we shared the same bed
We had no idea what is lying ahead
I wish you would have said something before
So I can make adjustments and close the door

I don’t have a problem with you going away
Just give me a heads up and don’t let me stay
cause this is not something you keep as surprise
Try for once to be realistic and act wise

Yes i can actually detach but it’s not done with a click
Neither after making a turn or a simple eye blink
This is a process in which I climb the stairs
Far away, the highest possible and releasing flairs

I can’t understand how your gender work
Maybe because I can’t myself be a jerk
I’m pretty sure millions knows u already
From now on ill make sure I keep steady

This moment I decide to break my human connection
Come back to what made my life without intersection
With any projectile thrown from ordinary people
Cause taking a hit will surely create an infection

A Leap Of Pleasure

Everything you do just make me think
Am I drunk? Had too much to drink?
How can it be? you’re just being selfish
Having the pleasure, leaving mine to shrink

I still can’t explain from what you’re afraid
It’s not like you’re on set of fifty shade
How can you accept that pleasure you feel
Yet far away from me yourself you steal

You already crossed the boundaries you fear
That moment you let me cuddle your ear
The rush of our breath you definitely hear
But when it comes to me it’s nowhere near

I’m certainly not angry from this anymore
Its just my curiosity going up the floor
Wondering of what’s waiting at the end
I hope I’ll be walking, a heart in my hand

Don’t worry

That heart will be mine, ill surely cut it off
Crush it with my fingers, until it blow off
Cause it has to stop, time for its break
And call my brain asking it to stay awake

Caged Memories

I’m not gonna lie some things have changed
It will always hunt me until I’m aged
That moment you triggered the life of my heart
My brain relapsed, went straight to the start

Balanced again, I knew I lost control
Everything I built, was destroyed in a whole
The sexy little armor hiding my humanity
Melted before my eyes, and you emerged with clarity

There you looked at me with those eyes
Urging me to stay and avoid goodbyes
I couldn’t hurt you , so I looked to the skies
but no solution there, we’re like ketchup and fries

Hey , You re laughing aren’t you !!!

Let me tell you something you want my own way
You look gorgeous, even better than Witcher on 4K
The Ambient occlusion is sharpened wherever you stay
And the best thing after gaming is to spend with you the day

I may not express all of these, but I feel them quite right
You should know that already, Damn it we never had a fight
I’m sure and certain of my very special technique
That makes you feel happy, either day or night

I’m leaving now, there might be nothing to say
Everything else is but memories and it will stay
Locked in our mind and soul, flying forever
Like protons caged in the atom, yes this comparison is clever

A New Beginning

It seems i lost my grasp to your wave
There’s a constant change in how you behave
Computing the variables is not enough
Cause I am simply surrounded by a cave

Looking around i catch a breath of air
Taking me deeper away from the stair
The one i took to get down here
I misjudged my steps, it’s going nowhere

Refusing to go back i discover some more
I Reach a wide opening leading to a door
A light is trying to escape its grasp
But when i arrived, it bowed to the floor

Suddenly it was clear bright as the sky
Something is following me, but it is shy
My shadow provides it with a cover to survive
And my path drives it to a closer goodbye

There is definitely life beyond my sight
I just have to find it, try to win this fight
I”ll finally turn this handle, open the door
A new beginning shall be alright

The Question's Why

Colors disappear along with our time
And tears are falling down like a river
My world is bleeding red like wine
And my hands just tremble and shiver

I’m looking around, all is breaking away
I see elements losing their atomic bond
The air around me forms ashes of clay
It leads very high, above and beyond

Everything is chaotic, looks upside down
Even clouds are erased from the sky
My voice under this pressure is drown
The sun is hiding and the question’s why

Bright stars are collapsing on themselves
Consuming every bit of known life
Library books are lifted off the shelves
Replacing letters with scratches of your knife

Here I am still searching for my real escape
Since you left me with no goodbye
I am experiencing feelings of different shape
Some take me down while others make me fly

Deadly Space

I can hear voices screaming in my head
Waking up a part of me which is dead
My problem is that i always think ahead
And I would stay mindly controlled instead

I admire the smile you put on my face
It’s like gazing the stars bright in space
I know my heart can’t pick up its pace
But my brain sparkles to your showcase

My sophisticated threading just goes away
Imposing between my thoughts some delay
Then my reason is obscured by an overlay
And my brain simply flies for a holiday

Breathing powerless i get that chill
The one you get gazing from a hill
My memory dump becomes very hard to fill
Then suddenly i realize, i still have the will

The will to reboot and be sure to stay awake
Enjoying your magical spell without a brake
Maybe finally someone decrypted my core
And has the right tools for it to be shake

An Italian Design

When I think of you I don’t know what to write
All I can see is yours eyes shining so bright
I simply like the way they look at me
It makes me speechless, incapable to fight

Some say being Italian just makes u sweet
But I am sure it’s not the origin or any street
One look from you can really kick the cold
Spread a joy around, and with it some heat

You are so cute and simple, the Italian way
And your smile definitely enlighten the day
I don’t want to forget that charm you have
“You are adorable” is the least that I can say

Finally, I feel like my vision is being pressed
No wonder it’s you, I am totally impressed
Drowning here in the origins of your beauty
You look wonderful whatever u re dressed

A Distant Place

To a distant place you carry me fast
In depth of emotion you make me last
These shivers find their way on my skin
I enter a journey in which I’ve never been

My eyes fly away and aim for the sky
They search for my soul flying very high
Sending whispers of a happy inner core
While indulging the pleasure even more

My ears open their gate waiting a sound
Well beyond these whispers it just found
A sound breaking the barrier of my heart
Driving it back with rush right to the start

Back to the start I realize I am alive
Surrounded by species living in a hive
I wish this state just keep coming back
Taking me away again from everything wrack

Opposite Persistence

We are different as human beings
Yet we share the same existence
Maybe this friendship has its meanings
Keeping opposite forces in persistence

I admire your will to be the perfect friend
However i can’t do it the same myself
I’m leaving soon but this is not the end
One day our future will define itself

I wish you the best in everything you do
Even if you’re stuck here with idiots
Don’t give up yet and nail what you do
You’ll be on a plane but them on chariots

Take care of yourself while I’m not here
Even if your sister get the ” Fou Rire”
I am sure you’ll succeed and be the one
They all look for when they lose the fun

Lets end it here and keep it efficient
All the words in the world are insufficient
To describe the connection we made
The moment our shields started to fade

Covalent Bond

” Dedicated to Karen, Kate and Klara from Germany, Hungary and Austria “

The day we met is a day I’ll remember
For the rest of my life, locked in a chamber
The chamber of my memories i hold so dear
Cause ill surely miss you passing December

After this month everyone takes a path
Don’t worry everything is fixed by math
Unless you are robbed on the way to Kate
Or Klara is hungry and don’t want to wait

Karren is crazy everyone is aware
I am not that better but I simply dont care
I can’t understand Juliane is from where
Maybe the moon cause she can’t breathe air

But steal, kate I wish you all the best
Otie is a good cook by you passed the test
Klara’s bakery rocks from east to west
And karren’s laugh just penetrates my vest

I will always remember you triple kay
Take care of yourselves, and I’ll be okay
Maybe we could reunite together someday
Regaining some memories for a holiday

That Damned Country

Wake up you stupid people full of shit
I suppose a crazy storm will surely hit
Your beloved country I once lived in
Because I really don’t know where to begin

Its not a storm of rain and thunder
But a complete chaos leading to sunder
Look beyond the horizon of your locked mind
Diseases are not known to leave anything behind

Those politicians you follow so blindly
Will lead you to your grave eventually
I just can’t explain how uneducated you are
To a point you believe they are offering you a star

For more than 20 years I saw everyone sink
To that level of unawareness without a blink
I am just glad to not be part of this humiliation
I will simply express this anger with my ink

To all the people asking me to go back
Go ahead give me some good reasons to track
After all these years I surely have enough stack
Of hate to a country built on everything wrack


This time I want to raise my voice
But in this case writing is my only choice
Society nowadays has no time to hear
Communication is lost, that’s what i fear

Attached to these pixels we fix our eyes
On everything digital ignoring the skies
Beyond our fingers there is nothing to say
We trust fiber lines taking all of it away

Our feelings and thoughts are but images
We can’t even see it, but it has damages
The human nature has lost its essence
Turning to objects with our presence

Our cause is broken, where is our existence
I can’t see a brighter future with this persistence
Society has to wake up and find its salvation
Beyond the new age built on wireless relation

The Fading Red

It’s not something real you can quantify
But it is a fantasy we choose to spotify
Everyone defines it as something we feel
And to its glory we watch ourselves kneel

It may be a breath something to enjoy
But when it’s absent we see it as a toy
It can’t be more than chemical reaction
Messing around with stability to destroy

I may be wrong, but let me give you a fact
You ll understand it if your mind is intact
Some chemical reactions takes their time
And your choices makes it easier to rhyme

Imagine yourself trapped with your enemy
You ll feel the same leaving in a century
It’s simply because of the state you re in
And adjustments are just slow to begin

I hope you understand the point i made
And Just remember that feelings can fade
Try compare them to a simple heart beat
One time its cold, another time its heat

You may find happiness and call it love
Fall down quickly for just being a dove
So pull yourself together, master the time
Cause Everything is done in your mind above


I cant find the perfect words to describe her
I am sure no one can live without her
We dream of a possibility she stays forever
An angel guards you, it is called a mother

Seconds, minutes, days, months and years
She forms the only escape for all your fears
This is not something she chooses to do
She just carries a tremendous care for you

That connection forms the day u re born
Try to cut it and you feel your heart is torn
Cause this is not a signal created by a pulse
Precious, it’s something you can’t repulse

Ur mother connects to your heart and brain
Even a beat of thought she could explain
Every problem, she tries to make it her own
Trying to save her baby from being blown

She can feel a piece of her flowing in his veins
Anything she’s ready to do, avoiding his pains
This is something special to your mother
Keeping you safe, even if she will suffer

Respect is what i have for every mother
An alternative to them we will not discover
lets every one of us give his mother a kiss
Wishing in his heart her smile he won’t miss

I’m trying hard here but all i want to say
Everyday in fact is our mother’s day
We can’t deny it, for ever it will stay
Our salvation in every possible way

Happy mothers day !!!!

Save The Children

(Verse 1)
We spread wars
Like a piece of bread
Ignoring the reality
That people lose their shed
Sleeping every night
They dream of this piece
With hope entirely shred

Save the children
Save them from this madness
Save the children
Give them days without sadness

(Verse 2)
We are all humans
Lets wake up and be the change
Save the children
Let them have a new page
Its Time to make something right
Spread a smile instead of rage

Save the children
Save them from this madness
Save the children
Give them days without sadness

We are all humans
Living in this world
Give the children hope
Flying like a bird

Save the children
Save them from this madness
Save the children
Give them days without sadness

No More Desire

(Verse 1)
I tried to forgive before midnight
In that I fail
There’s a voice in my head
Wondered about your last dance in my mind
It always prevail
And it hurts instead

I despise your presence after all
I despise it
I won’t fall for the lies anymore
I won’t fall

(Verse 2)
I looked for memories all night
Yes from the start
There’s something i forgot
Made sure nothing is left behind
Inside my heart
It still feels hot

I despise your presence after all
I despise it
I won’t fall for the lies anymore
I won’t fall

There is nothing left to say
You re silence in my hall
I won’t fall

I despise your presence after all
I despise it
I won’t fall for the lies anymore
I won’t fall

Tiya Kfoury - Helm Sar

عم تنده اسمي بمنامك
رسمي ما بفارق احلامك
هو واقع ، ولا كذبي او صورة مرسومي بخيالك
لا يا عمري هيدا ماضي عمر محفور بكتابك
انت ليوم عايش كذبي والواقع ابعد من حسابك
جرح الغدر فديتو بغيبي بعدت عنك حياتك
تركت الواقع عشت بغربي، وحلمك مراية حياتك…
مفكر لما تنده اسمي قلبي رح يوقف عبابك
يطلب رجعة ويفتح صفحة تطلع عنوان بكتابك
يمكن حبي يغلط مرة لكن عمري مش عحسابك
عيونك عنك غمضو…جربو الواقع يرفضو
بعدي عنك منو كذبي…هي حقيقة منا لعبي
ما تفكر تنهي حياتك … ما بيمشو عليي لعباتك
حلمك واقع لما كان دبحتو وتركتو غرقان

You are lying there
Helpless in this world
Don’t say my name
I left like a bird

Its time to move on
I Can not take it anymore
Drop this mistake
I want to ignore

You just wake up
My heart is not yours
I have to leave
Close behind me doors

I do not belong here
Time to end this game
You get your life back
But don’t say my name

هلق من الحقيقة هربان … وعم تحلم بحكم النسيان
ينساك بحلم الماضي ويكمل حياتو عادي
لا يا عمري اوعى تبعد … وحياتك لحظة ما تترك
كمل معها هالمشوار … وما تفكر تعيد اللي صار
عيونك عليها فتحا … حقيقة حياتك كملا
ومهما طال هالمشوار تبقى تذكرني عادي
تذكر حقيقة ماضي بالحاضر حلم صار

Cassandra Grey - Black Bird

Blackbird up there above the clouds
Come back and show me how to fly
Your wings taking me higher
Between the rays in the skies

Blackbird up there above the clouds
Come back and show me how to fly
Your wings taking me higher
Between the rays in the skies

Cassandra Grey - Darkest Light

There in the darkest night
I see your picture
Out in the coldest wind

There in the distant light
You make me fly
Up in the brightest skies

Come Back to me
Back to where you belong
Let me feel you again and again
I’ve waited for too long

Cassandra Grey - Into the Unknown

A lonely soul
A bright light
I ran in the wind
Looking around
Trying to catch a breath
You took from me

My desire
Burning at the shore
Our memories
Are long gone

Take a step
Into the unknown
As i walk alone

I don’t know
Your secret
What is lying ahead
In the waves
I see many pictures
As you’re holding my hand

Cassandra Grey - Painting Summer

When the sun
Shined upon me
I moved between the rays
Drawn around me

With the sun
Setting behind the sea
My heart drowned in the waves
With lies you told me

As i ran
Through the mountains
Reaching up the horizon

Rain fell down
Touching back the earth
Healing deep the scars you left me

And i waited for you
Painting summer with some memories
Of you and I
And i waited, waited
As i wonder if i could see you one last time

Cassandra Grey - Secret Of Light

It’s been calm
I can’t hear a sound
Since we kissed in the street

A silent vibe
Lurking around
As im feeling your heart beat

Where are you now
How can i find you
Give me a trace
From within the shadows
The secret of light
Escaping your place

Where are you now
How can i find you
Give me a trace
From within the shadows
The secret of light
Escaping your place

Cassandra Grey - Memory Lane

Memories at the speed of light
Looking for a glimpse of you
As You hide between the stars
Sunset is pointing at you

Memories at the speed of light
Looking for a glimpse of you
As You hide between the stars
Sunset is pointing at you

Cassandra Grey - Awake

Lying here
I am still awake
Searching for the light in the dark

Stars disappear
From the open skies
Leaving my heart with a spark

Lying here
I count the hours
Melting colors drain on my wall

Your shadows
Hold the lies
Taking my soul into free fall

My dreams collide
As you burn inside
So I rise
Above the whispers of you

My dreams collide
As I looked for a sign
I am still awake

Cassandra Grey - Heartless

I’ve been waiting
I’ve been hiding
Into the silent space
I’ve been falling
I’ve been calling
My voice is fading away

N my dreams are lost
How could you forget about me
My words are silent
Burning in the wind

I feel nothing
Take my pain away
Surround me

I am falling deep
N my reason remains
Untie me

Cassandra Grey - Some Kind Of Lover

Somekind of lovers
You and I
Take me where you’re going

Even when you walk away
Far away yeeeee
You’re the one for me



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